About the Author
Matthieu Chapman is an Assistant Professor of Theatre Studies at the State University of New York at New Paltz and the Literary Director of NY Classical Theatre. He earned his MLitt in Dramaturgy and MFA in Acting from Mary Baldwin College’s Shakespeare and Renaissance Literature in Performance Program and his Ph.D. in Theatre History, Theory, and Criticism from the UC San Diego Department of Theatre and Dance. He has acted on the American Shakespeare Center’s Blackfriar’s stage, served as a dramaturg for San Diego Repertory Theatre, and worked for the La Jolla Playhouse, as well as dramaturged and directed numerous university productions. The 2017 production of Topdog/Underdog that he directed at the University of Houston was named one of the Houston Chronicle’s “Ten Best Theatre Productions of 2017.” His first full-length play Survivor Guilt was selected for readings by the Mid-America Theatre Conference and the Landing Theatre and was a finalist for the Seven Devils Playwriting Conference, The Dennis and Victoria Ross Playwriting Program, and The Ashland New Play Festival. His play Birmingham in Black and White was semi-finalist for Shakespeare’s New Contemporaries. His creative writing and essays have appeared in Pithead Chapel, Prose Online, Beyond Words, and the Huffington Post.

His research focuses on ontological structures of blackness in the Early Modern World. His memoir, Shattered: Fragments of a Black Life is forthcoming from WVU Press in 2023. His monograph, Antiblack Racism in Early Modern English Drama: “The Other Other” is available from Routledge Press. He is the co-editor along with Anna Wainwright of Teaching Race in the European Renaissance: A Classroom Guide (ACMRS Press, 2023). He has also published articles in Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England, Theatre Topics, TheatreForum, Theatre History Studies and Early Theatre, and he has chapters in Race and Affect in Early Modern England (edited by Carol Mejia-LaPerle) and Shakespeare and Atrocity. He has presented at numerous national and international conferences, including the Renaissance Society of America, the American Society of Theatre Research, the American Comparative Literature Association, the Mid-America Theatre Conference, and others.